Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Monday, October 29, 2018
Salute (0183) RM0.485 - Mercury Target Price RM0.63 - 29/08/18
1. 冷眼在最新公布的2018年报里晋升为30大股东,共持有2,000,000股,或0.51%的股权。
Cold Eye in 30 largest shareholders holds who 2 million shares / 0.51%
2. 公司主要业务是贩卖 FOBO Ultra (tire pressure monitoring system for multi-axle vehicles), 一种蓝牙装置可以监控轮胎的气压和其他。主要出口国美欧国家占了业务77%,亚洲国家18.4%。
Company main business is selling FOBO (tire pressure monitoring system for multi-axle vehicles), one kind of Bluetooth product. Company main export market is US and Europe which contribute 77% revenue and Asia region excluding Malaysia contribute 18.4% revenue in 2018.
3. 公司在第三和第四季度连续亏钱,总数大约马币一百万一十万。公司全年负债大约马币八十五万.现钱有马币九千一百万是一间净现钱公司,每股现金值RM0.23
Company suffer loss for 3Q18 and 4Q18 with total amount RM1.1 million. According to 2018 P&L company total borrowing around RM854,000 but cash has RM91.1 million. Therefore Salutica now is a net cash company with cash RM0.23 per share.
4. 产品有望在明年第二季度更新版本。最新ProtonX70 也将装置这种轮胎气压监控系统,这或许有望带领一股风潮在汽车方面。这是因为多数使用此系统装置的是运输公司,如果Proton选着Salutica来制造的话将有望提高公司盈利。
Its latest generation Bluetooth-related product has reach final stage of development and expected to start contributing by 2Q19. This product is well receive by US and Europe transportation company to monitor their vehicles. Recently new launch Proton X70 will use this technology as well, this might bring fashion towards private cars and if Proton select Salutica to manufacture locally this definitely will help to bring up is revenue and profit.
From:林友志 (Lim Yu Chee) 012-7685809 / Makubex718@gmail.com
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Recently two point of view which you prefer?
1. Kondratieff Long Wave Cycle
This point of view suggest that the world economy cycle in major trend is 60 years. Currently we are moving towards the end of winter where the world shares market will face a crisis in year 2019 or 2020. After that, we will move into spring for 10 years in depression mode which mean a slowdown in economy growth. However this crash down will be the golden opportunity for you to start invest in shares and multiple your net worth in coming years. Investors need to remember this every crisis also an opportunity for you.
For further detail can google : 康波周期 - 周金涛
2. The second point of view is that the world market is going to melt up which mean you should see a dramatic and unexpected improvement in the investment performance of an asset class before it melt down. From history, every bull market rally will only end when you see everyone is talking about shares and buy call for shares are from everywhere. However in this bull run do you see investors are crazy for stocks?
What they suggest is that current fall in US shares market is just an adjustment, this is a golden opportunity for you to buy shares and gain multiple profit easily in next few months. This is because the last pull up is very sharp and time frame is short.
3. Both point of views are based on historical data and the variable are timing, economy facts, and world situation. The fundamental for countries and regions now are very different compare to last time, will history repeat again for world market? Let's wait and see.
This point of view suggest that the world economy cycle in major trend is 60 years. Currently we are moving towards the end of winter where the world shares market will face a crisis in year 2019 or 2020. After that, we will move into spring for 10 years in depression mode which mean a slowdown in economy growth. However this crash down will be the golden opportunity for you to start invest in shares and multiple your net worth in coming years. Investors need to remember this every crisis also an opportunity for you.
For further detail can google : 康波周期 - 周金涛
2. The second point of view is that the world market is going to melt up which mean you should see a dramatic and unexpected improvement in the investment performance of an asset class before it melt down. From history, every bull market rally will only end when you see everyone is talking about shares and buy call for shares are from everywhere. However in this bull run do you see investors are crazy for stocks?
What they suggest is that current fall in US shares market is just an adjustment, this is a golden opportunity for you to buy shares and gain multiple profit easily in next few months. This is because the last pull up is very sharp and time frame is short.
3. Both point of views are based on historical data and the variable are timing, economy facts, and world situation. The fundamental for countries and regions now are very different compare to last time, will history repeat again for world market? Let's wait and see.
From:林友志 (Lim Yu Chee) 012-7685809 / Makubex718@gmail.com
Saturday, October 13, 2018
2.如果单看十月分的话,在1997 年亚洲金融风暴以及2008年美国次贷金融风暴,这两个十月份其实跌的都蛮多。1997年十月马股跌了-18.4%,2008年十月马股跌了15.2%。如果看完一整年的话,97金融风暴股市其实让股市跌了快要两年而08年的次贷风暴全年的指数都跌的很惨。到了2018年,十年一轮回马股十月也会大跌?
3.现阶段或许只是一轮小风暴,起因则是中美贸易战。美国从三月份开始正式对中国进口的商品征收高达600亿美金的关税,这场仗注定会对亚洲股市带来负面的影响。毕竟亚洲的出口绝大多数都要靠美国与中国。香港股市从年头开始,恒生指数就一直往下跌, 从最高的33,484点跌到最低点 25,125 , 12/10/18 闭市25,801点。
4. 以下是亚洲国家52个星期最高与最低点 :
香港恒生指数 最高点33,484 最低点 25,125 12/10/18 闭市 25,801点。-22.95% 熊市
新加坡海峡指数 最高点3641 最低点 3035 12/10/18 闭市 3069点。 -18.63%
雅加达综合指数 最高点6693 最低点 5557 12/10/18 闭市 5756点。 -14.00%
泰国SET指数 最高点1852 最低点 1584 12/10/18 闭市 1696点。 -8.42%
吉隆坡综合指数 最高点1896 最低点 1657 12/10/18 闭市 1730点。 -8.75%
5.历史上,引起金融风暴的其中一个因数是美国利率。美国从两年前开始便不断在每个季度把利率调高0.25%。从原本的 0-0.25%提升到了现在的 2-2.25%。亚洲货币也因为美国不断地调升利率造成外资撤走,货币乏值。为了捍卫不断乏值的货币,印尼政府已数次把基准政策利率调高,现阶段5.75%。香港金管局也因为港元乏值触及官方干预线,从今年四月起被逼数次出手捍卫港元。其基准利率也在12年来首次上调,从2.25%调高到2.5%
印尼 现在USD1,148.00亿 最高USD1,319.80亿 最低USD274.04亿
新加坡 现在USD3,980.61亿 最高USD3,980.61亿 最低USD41.74亿
马来西亚 现在USD1,044.00亿 最高USD1,551.65亿 最低USD202.30亿
泰国 现在USD2,045.00亿 最高USD2,156.15亿 最低USD3.26亿
泰国 现在USD4,264.00亿 最高USD4,434.00亿 最低USD383.57亿
7. 另一个会引起金融风暴的因数是美国债券的收益率。基本上美国10年债券利率的走势是我们观察的目标。这是因为美国10年的国债收益率上升一般上会影响到美国企业融资成本跟着一起上升。而且当国债的利率需要提高才能够吸引投资者购买时,其他的债券就更加难以卖出去。最近主要影响利率的原因有两个,(一)高油价带来的高通货膨涨使得利率上涨,(二)美国长达十年的货币宽松政策正在走向结束。
11. 原油价WTI 一年最高USD76.90 最低 USD50.15 现在大约USD71.51
看好科技与出口股因为马币对美金的低汇率还是低于USD4.00。INARI, GTRONIC, VS,D&O
15. 电讯股:小心,主要因为用户很难成长盈利一直下跌以及政府将会在3Q19出台新的大方向计划,改变应该很多。
再生能源股: 可以注意因为新的能源部长计划减少煤炭的使用量并提高再生能源的使用量:CYPARK.
航空股:Airsia Tony想要把这间航空公司打造成新的数码科技公司利用公司现有的资料库。
From:林友志 (Lim Yu Chee) 012-7685809 / Makubex718@gmail.com
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