Monday, October 29, 2018

Salute (0183) RM0.485 - Mercury Target Price RM0.63 - 29/08/18

1. 冷眼在最新公布的2018年报里晋升为30大股东,共持有2,000,000股,或0.51%的股权。
Cold Eye in 30 largest shareholders holds who 2 million shares / 0.51%

2. 公司主要业务是贩卖 FOBO Ultra (tire pressure monitoring system for multi-axle vehicles), 一种蓝牙装置可以监控轮胎的气压和其他。主要出口国美欧国家占了业务77%,亚洲国家18.4%。

Company main business is selling FOBO (tire pressure monitoring system for multi-axle vehicles), one kind of Bluetooth product. Company main export market is US and Europe which contribute 77% revenue and Asia region excluding Malaysia contribute 18.4% revenue in 2018.

3. 公司在第三和第四季度连续亏钱,总数大约马币一百万一十万。公司全年负债大约马币八十五万.现钱有马币九千一百万是一间净现钱公司,每股现金值RM0.23

Company suffer loss for 3Q18 and 4Q18 with total amount RM1.1 million. According to 2018 P&L company total borrowing around RM854,000 but cash has RM91.1 million. Therefore Salutica now is a net cash company with cash RM0.23 per share.

4. 产品有望在明年第二季度更新版本。最新ProtonX70 也将装置这种轮胎气压监控系统,这或许有望带领一股风潮在汽车方面。这是因为多数使用此系统装置的是运输公司,如果Proton选着Salutica来制造的话将有望提高公司盈利。

Its latest generation Bluetooth-related product has reach final stage of development and expected to start contributing by 2Q19. This product is well receive by US and Europe transportation company to  monitor their vehicles. Recently new launch Proton X70 will use this technology as well, this might bring fashion towards private cars and if Proton select Salutica to manufacture locally this definitely will help to bring up is revenue and profit.

From:林友志 (Lim Yu Chee) 012-7685809 /

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