Tuesday, October 20, 2015




  • 蓝色的线条代表石油的价钱。石油的价钱从 02/01/2014 USD110左右一路下跌来到 02/01/2015 USD40左右。
  • 红色的线条代表美金兑换马币的价值。美金兑换马币的价值从02/01/2014 RM3.3左右一路上升到 02/01/2015 RM3.7左右

4.在一月二号二零零五年,当油价跌倒USD40左右,美金兑换马币还保持RM3.60左右。所以,以历史的角度来看现在的油价不因该让马币跌到这么低才对,是什么原因造成的呢?这是因为现在的马币已算进了所有不利因素包括政治,1MDB等等。这或许也是BNM Zeti 和 CIMB Nazir Razak 之前一直发表马币被低估了的原因。(也就是说撇开政治不看,现在的油价马币应该可值RM3.60左右

6.油价是全球的趋势没这么容易解决,如果想要马币回升的话政治,1MDB等等的问题是我们比较能够着手解决的。(不过看上去也没那么容易)较早前有外国的基金经理像 Templeton就发表现在的马来西亚股票与债券很具吸引力,因为对握有大量美金的他们来说现在马来西亚的置产相对来讲很便宜。


From:林友志 (Lim Yu Chee)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Crude Oil Price Update 石油价更新

1. Jim Roger 预测油价或许反弹在即因为就算市场充满负面的消息油价还是保持在USD45,这番言论刊发表于02/10/15.


3.马来西亚油股反应很快都起了,SKPETRO, UMWOG, KNM, COASTAL, ALAM, PERISAI & etc. 马币也应声而上 USD/RM 4.3230

1. http://marketrealist.com/2015/10/trend-friend-jim-rogers-crude-oil/

2. http://www.thestar.com.my/Business/Business-News/2015/10/02/Jim-Rogers-says-oil-ignoring-bad-news/?style=biz

From:林友志 (Lim Yu Chee)

Straits Times Index 海峽指數

1. Singapore Index - STI fell from recent high 3536 to current level 2851, technically STI is in bear market now because the STI index was fell below 2740 on 29/9/15. ( Bear market is 20% drop from the highest point which is 2828 points)

2. From chart, current pattern look very familiar like 2008, forecast STI might fall further in coming months, support will be 2600 and 2500. MACD at very low level, RSI still not yet oversold, most likely a downtrend chart with potential technical rebound. (Actually I hope this situation can be a correction more than a recession)

3. Singapore is likely slipped into a technical recession, the main reason is GDP fell in July and August which were -4.6% and -4.0%. Singapore, being a small open economy, it is useful as a barometer for the rest of South East Asia. Therefore its flash 3rd quarter GDP estimation which will release in the second week of this month become important to us. If the figure is bad again most likely other South East Asia country will follow suit.  Review back the 2008 recession history, when Singapore fall into recession the rest of the South East Asia follow the trend in the next 3-6 months. Are we going to join the party again this round??? We need to monitor closely all the economy data in coming months and I will share again with all of you.

4. Price-Earnings Ratios of STI Constituents on SGX StockFacts
  • Over the 12 months ending May, the Straits Times Index (STI) generated a 6.2% total return, lower than the 8.4% annualised return generated over the past 10 years.
  • The component stocks of the STI currently average a P/E ratio of 22.5. The price-earnings (P/E) ratio shows what price investors are willing to pay for a stock based on every dollar the company earns.
  • The STI stocks with the highest P/E ratios are Golden Agri-Resources, Noble Group, Singapore Airlines, Genting Singapore PLC and Olam International

  • (Information from SGX as at 03/06/2015.)

5. However, Singapore listed company shares buy back for 3rd quarter worth around $1 Billion, year-to-date shares buy back $1.7 Billion. The company with shares buy back most likely think their shares fell too much in current global selloff and it is worth to buy back. Top five stocks with the largest considerations in buybacks from 1 September to 18 September were Sinarmas Land, Wilmar International, Global Logistic Properties, CapitaLand, and DBS Group.

6. Buy when everyone scare to buy is what we learn from investment master. Now everyone scare to buy, are you going to buy? As a humble suggestion, do more homework on the shares you buy, know what you buy and start buying by using dollar-cost averaging method.

1. http://sdb.theedgemarkets.com/2015/SDBsetia/SDBsetia_20151005ihfabt.pdf 

2. http://www.tradingeconomics.com/singapore/gdp-growth

3. http://www.tradingeconomics.com/singapore/inflation-cpi

4. http://sias.org.sg/files/SGXMarketUpdates/03062015-Price-Earnings-Ratios-of-STI-Constituents-on-SGX-StockFacts.html

5. http://sias.org.sg/files/SGXMarketUpdates/21092015-S$314million-in-Share-Buybacks-in-September-Month-to-Date.html

Above is all personal analyze and opinion, if you have any question kindly contact me for discussion and clarification. Thank You.
From:林友志 (Lim Yu Chee)