Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Virtual Reality 虚拟现实

Virtual Reality the beginning of another brand new era in IT.

If we are going to review the complete history of IT, it may take a long time for us to write. Therefore we only select few important points regarding the development of hardware in IT for our review.

First, personal computer was created in year 1981 by IBM which marked the starting point of PC. However only until year 1990s, PC start to boom the world and giant company like IBM, Microsoft and Intel start to appear in our daily life. 

Second wave of IT was created by digital camera. In the mid to late 1990s digital camera became common among consumers and by the mid-2000s digital camera started to replace the used of photographic film business. Giant company like Canon was created in this boom. However Kodak, once the giant company in photography business forced to file for bankruptcy protection in year 2012, due to decline in sales of photographic film and its slowness in transitioning to digital photography.

Third wave of IT start with smart phone, in year 2007 Apple launched its first generation Iphone which change the way how people used to use their hand phone. This big trend turned Apple become the world largest company in year 2014 in terms of market capitalization. Samsung another giant company was created in this trend as well. However, few giant company fall in this transition due to unable to change and follow the big trend such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Motorola.

As we can see the hardware trend for IT technology start with PC, then follow by Digital Camera and then Smart Phone. We predict Virtual Reality machine will be the next big thing which going to make another big change to the world.

Why virtual reality so important?

Let me show some photos of current Virtual Reality machine.

And the future might be like this

Virtual Reality started since year 1990s in Japan was failed due to technology limitation and market was immature. Today we have a completely different market and giant company like Apple, Samsung, Facebook, Sony, HTC and etc start invest big amounts in this sector. They are going to create a big trend therefore Virtual Reality shall be the next technology which you don't want to miss.

Source :  VR元年到来:巨头纷纷抢滩 索尼十月发布PS VR终端
Source : 半个月股价涨70% HTC借VR重生?
Source : VR大潮袭来 这一次有何不同?

From:林友志 (Lim Yu Chee)

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